Forbes magazine declared: “Increasing efficiency and attracting better candidates through engaging video are pretty good reasons for HR managers to go high tech or go home.”

Pretty clear statement, isn’t it? Video in recruiting … We completely agree with Forbes magazine and we have good reasons for that, 6 actually!

So, here are 6 benefits of using video interviewing for your recruiting:
  1. Speed up your recruitment process
  2. Enhance your quality of hire
  3. Amaze your candidates
  4. Recruit internationally
  5. Collaborate easily with your hiring managers
  6. Keep your data safe thanks to highest data security standards
1. Speed up your recruitment process

Screen your candidates with minimal costs. Narrow down your candidate pool and only invite the most qualified applicants to a personal interview. Using video screening as a first round interview can reduce up to 30% of your recruiting costs while increasing productivity. You will be able to screen a lot more candidates than would be possible with telephone interviews. You will be able to reduce the cost of unsuccessful interviews in subsequent rounds (which is typically the most expensive step): You will immediately see which one of your candidates does NOT meet the job requirement.

2. Enhance your quality of hire!

Low costs-per-hire and a short time-to-hire periods are useless if the people who are hired perform below the requirements of the job and company. The magic metric that describes the relationship between test scores and on the job performance is called validity.

Our diagnostic experts can tell you one thing: Structured interviews are, together with cognitive tests, most likely to tell you if a candidate will perform highly in their position!

You should be careful when choosing your video interviewing provider, however, because not everyone of them respects these diagnostic requirements! At viasto, we are proud to state that video interviewing with the interview suite provides you with a highly standardised and structured interview process, reaching from setting up the questions to a standardised evaluation system.

A standardised and structured workflow is a must-have to identify the most qualified candidates.

3. Amaze your candidates

Be honest! Do you want your candidates to like or even love your company? Do you want them to be a fan and to spread the word how cool and innovative your are? Then you should meet their expectations in terms of innovation and modern recruiting processes. Using video technology will not only make the process shorter for them (your applicants will love to hear back from you within a few days only!), they will also appreciate the chance to present their skills and personality so early on! Make your company more attractive to the candidates’ eyes.

4. Recruit internationally

Using video interviewing allows you to narrow down your candidate pool by interviewing your candidates quickly and across time zones. With today’s technology, it has become easy to reduce the risk of paying high travel costs for unsuitable candidates. Time zones are no longer an issue because the candidate can record their video and the evaluator can view it independently. This enables you to efficiently counter the shortage of skilled labour.

5. Collaborate easily with your hiring managers

Lengthy and unstructured recruitment processes are often frustrating for hiring managers. Especially when candidates don’t match their ideal!
With the interview suite, you easily involve them in the pre-selection process! It will save them valuable time because they can watch and evaluate the candidate answers at their convenience, just like you! We bet that in the end, they wouldn’t want to stop using this tool 🙂

6. Keep your data safe thanks to highest data security standards

As you probably know, Germany is not only the country which won the World Cup (yay, so proud!), but also the nation with one of the strictest data privacy standards! So, with our servers being located here in Germany, you can be 120% sure your data and also your candidate’s data is being stored safely and securely.