We are proud to share that viasto has won the HR Excellence Award together with Deutsche Telekom for the project “Diversity in recruiting with diagnostically sound video interviews”.

We believe this award means more than just winning a competition. You cannot identify real talent by only analysing applications – finding the right candidate goes far beyond common CV screening. You risk losing suitable candidates by following traditional selection patterns. Therefore, our mission is to revolutionise recruiting. We do not want any suitable candidate to read the following refusal anymore after applying for a job:

“Thank you for submitting your application. It is not easy for us to make a selection among the large number of qualified candidates. Unfortunately, we can only consider those whose qualifications meet the specific requirements of the vacancy.”

We think that our award actually goes to all HR departments which have already started thinking out of the box and changed their recruiting process by supporting diversity. This also means choosing the right personnel selection methods!

What was the Telekom project about?

We need more unconventional thinking to make things change. But how could traditional selection methods possibly identify people thinking out of the box? Despite skills shortage and the urgent need for companies to find the right people for their vacancies, only a few begin to rethink their processes.

HR Excellence Awards

Fortunately, there are innovative groups such as Telekom who implemented a new recruitment philosophy! Many senior managers such as René Obermann probably would not have had a successful career nowadays, given the recent recruitment situation. He did not finish his studies, became self-employed and set up his own mobile phone sales business, which he successfully sold later.
As you can see, professional success does not depend on a college degree. This is a fact that HR managers still do not realise.

Future is shaped by personalities

Using aysnchronous video interviews in the pre-selection of candidates for the junior staff program „Start up!“! Telekom managed to identify the talents and out-of-the-box thinkers that can successfully manage the future challenges at Telekom. They made sure to give every candidate the same chance to succeed, which means giving a chance to those candidates whose CV was less ” streamlined “. This is how diversity in recruitment works!

HR Excellence Awards

That is also our goal for 2014: to convince HR departments to rethink their procedures and to realise that with modern selection methods you can achieve much more than with traditional stuff.  Most importantly, you will have more satisfied candidates.

After all, even you, dear HR Manager, have once been a candidate applying for a job, haven’t you?

This award means a lot to us. We have founded viasto in late 2010 with the vision to change personnel selection through modern technology. We are very proud of the fact that our software enables companies to change their way of thinking and to give them completely new perspectives in personnel selection,

Overall, the award is an extremely gratifying confirmation of our work. And just like Victor Hugo said : „There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come.“

We think the time for the interview suite has definitely come.