Do you know Thomas Watson? He was the guy who infamously estimated the world market for computers to be “maybe five“. And we all know that he didn’t mean 5 billion, which was the number of computers (incl. laptops, tables and smartphones) used in 2010.

Nonetheless, when it comes to introducing innovation into your company, there will always be people who don’t believe in modern technology and bring all sorts of (sometimes funny) arguments against it. We want to help you debunk some of those. So, regarding video interviewing technology, here are our top six!

6. “Not another tool! We have no time for this!”

Pre-recorded interviewing actually saves a tremendous amount of time in the long run. So I usually counter, “those who stop investing in getting better are preparing for doom.” Sometimes global arguments don’t help, so here’s a specific one: The interview suite works as Software-as-a-Service and is ready to be set up within a couple of days. It takes some hours of training for your recruiters to design great video interview questions, but then you are ready to go!

5. “Our applicants would rather get to know us personally.”

And of course they will. The pre-recorded video interview is not meant to replace the personal conversation. It is meant to help you decide which applicants to invite to a personal interview. You should continue to invest your time in personal conversations – but only with applicants who are really qualified.

4. “My hiring managers will not like it.”

Your hiring managers can submit job-related questions for the pre-recorded video interview. Once the candidates recorded their video interview, they can directly assess the candidate answers in the interview suite. It has never been so easy for hiring departments to test the candidates’ skills and abilities before meeting them in person.

3. “It is discriminating.”

According to law, discrimination is only allowed with regard to qualifications, meaning it must have a performance-related reason. A competence-based video interview that is evaluated based on competencies and job requirements provides the perfect solution. A study by the Free University Berlin found that evaluation in the interview suite is free of discrimination. There is no distortion regarding the applicants’ gender nor migrational background.

2. “Our candidates are not technically experienced enough.”

A study conducted among users shows: 89% of them fully agree to the statement “I find the interview suite easy to use” (Brenner, 2012). In addition, the study examined the question whether candidates who consider themselves to be technically savvy handle the interview suite better than candidates who consider themselves not tech savvy. The result: there was no difference. Technological experience is not necessary in order to use the interview suite.

1. “The internet will not succeed”

Actually, that’s the only one we haven’t found an answer for. If you have a good one, please let us know!