“Today, candidates are also choosing their employers, not just the other way around.” This insight is becoming increasingly challenging for HR.

“Candidate Experience” has become, over the past years, a central buzzword in HR departments and recruitment blogs. However, it isn’t an issue that only concerns HR, other parties, for example hiring managers, must also be involved. Your hiring managers want good candidates. And candidates want good leaders. But how much is currently being done in your recruiting so that the manager is sold to the candidate?

HR plays a central role in the candidate experience. Which is only natural, seeing as HR has the most frequent contact with the applicant during the recruitment process. But, studies have shown time and time again- it is mainly the involvement of hiring managers in the selection process, which can be crucial for applicants. The reason: candidates often see managers as a more valid source of information when it comes to figuring out their own fit in the organisation and the requirements of the job.

Include hiring managers earlier in the process

It is still often the case- for perfectly understandable financial reasons- that hiring managers are only involved at the last recruiting step, i.e. in the final interview stage. Why is that?! This doesn’t have to be the case in today’s digital world. Hiring managers can meet their candidates earlier on, through various online channels.

Through video technology, for example, managers can be made “visible”. Usually this is accompanied by employer branding measures to paint the company as attractive to the candidate. Managers can then, for example, report on the career page of the challenges of their department and address current trends and opportunities in their own field.

Our recommendation: video interviews

Unfortunately, it happens too often that hiring managers and their team are represented on the website, but do not meet candidates until the final step of the interview process. This could make a difference for applicants in the interview process, as it could make your company really attractive to them: to get excited in the preselection by your hiring manager, their future team leader!

In modern (pre) selection tools such as asynchronous video interviews, there is the possibility to upload a warm welcome by the manager, allowing selected candidates a deeper insight into the department, its members and their company and team culture.. An absolute value to the candidates!

Why hiring managers appreciate video tech

In one of our previous articles, we pointed out why hiring managers would appreciate video interviewing:

  1. They save precious time
  2. The more specialised the skills for a job, the better they can contribute
  3. They assess candidates more accurately
  4. They will be happy to have the best potentials in the final interview
  5. They are the best to check the team fit!

Read the entire article here.