Want to expand your talent pool and try global recruitment? Don’t know exactly how to do it? Read on to find out how international media company Bertelsmann does it..

With offices in 50 countries and over 111 000 employees, Bertelsmann recruits internationally on a large scale. Their “Talent Meets Bertelsmann” (TMB) event focuses on finding the top international students. But how do they know which ones are the best to invite?

Bertelsmann’s candidate selection is centralised in Germany, so how do they recruit talents from other countries? With a new marketing and recruiting strategy focusing on European business schools, Bertelsmann decided to incorporate video interviewing to help them recruit the best.

In 2013, out of hundreds of applicants, 121 candidates were invited to a video interview. Out of these, around 90% completed their interview, and 60 were selected to take part in the TMB event. The selected students then met 80 international company executives and members of the Executive Board.

So how did video interviewing help Bertelsmann?

It allowed them to attract and select the best candidates.

Using the interview suite allowed Bertelsmann to select the most suited candidates to meet personally. Only candidates that fit the criteria– in this instance, fit into the corporate culture, were media and digital savvy, with excellent english skills- were invited to the event in Berlin.

How did the candidates benefit?


Using asynchronous video interviewing means that time zones are no longer an issue. Interview scheduling is also no longer a factor, so candidates can do their interview whenever it suits them, wherever it suits them.

>>fair and objective assessment

Video interviews are structured, so candidates are assessed fairly and on the same criteria. All of them answer the same questions, are given the same amount of time to answer and are assessed on their answers and the skills they show, meaning evaluations are objective and not reliant on gut feeling or influenced by bias.

>>the opportunity to show themselves

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Assessing based solely on CV is not enough. Being able to see a person on screen enables you take a glimpse into a person’s personality. Furthermore, you can assess other factors such as self confidence and language skills, which you are unable to judge just from a piece of paper.

So how can video interviewing help you find the best talent worldwide?

  1. say goodbye to time zone and scheduling problems
  2. a fair and objective preselection means only the most qualified candidates are invited to the further stages of the interview process
  3. you can assess other factors that you can’t evaluate using only a CV or qualifications

Learn more about the interview suite and book a demo!