Hiring the right people is the core to the future success of your company – not only because those hires ensure strategy implementation, but ideally, because they move the company forward, thus driving innovation and enhancing competitiveness.

Actually, it is all about hiring the right people. If you look at the really successful companies like Google, you see that they have put the hiring process to the core of the company.

So, treating the process as the most important strategic planning your company needs is the path of survival. Getting high performing people hired and ready to work as quickly as possible is invaluable for being ahead of the talent competition.

In this article, we would like to share 3 tips on how to make your processes faster and, at the same time, more effective!

Need for speeding up the hiring process is increasing

Of course, hiring is about people. That’s why some companies tend to take their time to make sure they are recruiting the best talent for a position. BUT there are two major arguments why you should try to accelerate your process.

1. Hiring is a Business decision – unfilled positions are expensive

When communicating an open position, you have an objective need to find someone suitable to fill that position quickly. So, if there is no one who fills that need, you are in trouble because you are losing money for every unsolved task. Simply put, you have a business reason to find someone quickly.

2. Your best candidates might be scared off by long processes …and drop you!

As a matter of fact, top candidates can choose where they want to work, as they might not be lacking offers. The longer your processes are, the longer you need to make a decision, the more likely those talents will bounce and go to another company. The hiring process plays a crucial rule in whether a candidate wants to work for you or not. An unprofessional and slow process is the number one reason candidates will turn down a job.

3 Tips for speeding up the hiring process:

  1. Define a clear competency profile: When defining the position that you wish to fill, think thoroughly about the hard and soft skills your candidate needs to have and specify them in the job posting from the very beginning. Establishing an accurate competency profile is a challenge and should be done carefully, as it is the basis for every following step of the process and for your final recruitment success. Mishires will cost the company a huge amount of money.

  2. Screen candidate’s job fit as early as possible:  After creating a competency profile, you need to make sure that you make a valid preselection of candidates. It is very time consuming to invite 15 candidates to a first interview if only 5 of them have the relevant skills. So, having reliable results about a candidate’s fit as early as possible is the best you can do to ensure an efficient hiring process.

  3. Use technology to speed up the process: Modern times bring cutting-edge technologies. Why not use them to your advantage to enhance the quality of your recruitment? A proven method for efficient preselection is, for example,  pre-recorded video interviewing. It allows recruiters and operational departments to efficiently identify which of the candidates match the job criteria, without scheduling and traveling, but still gathering a personal impression of each interesting candidate before meeting them in person.

Are you curious about how  pre-recorded video interviewing can help you make your preselection more efficient? Do you want to learn more about how to identify suitable candidates right at the beginning?

We would be happy to tell you more in a personal demo presentation.

Schedule your demo here.