Professional video recruiting for successful personnel selection

Take your recruiting to a new level with ease.

Intelligent video interview software that helps you attract and identify suitable candidates faster.

to the collected
Expertise from
10 years
Video Recruiting

viasto interview suite für modernes Video Recruiting

Easily find the right candidates

Your advantages with Video Recuriting at a glance:

Vernetzung Icon Grün


HR is going digital and with the interview suite you will be ahead of the game within a few days. Intuitive to use and fun for your colleagues and candidates. Mobile and desktop.

HR Kreislauf Icon Grün


A clear dashboard, clear todos, automated scheduling – just a smart process to get to clear decisions. This is HR software for successful video recruiting

Gespräch Icon Grün


Inspire personal recruiting. Video recruiting provides an authentic and compelling candidate experience. Make the employee search the business card of your company.

Offenes Schloss Icon Grün

Made in Germany.

As a German company, we attach particular importance to the protection of personal data. And we know how to do it. We meet the requirements of the DSGVO to a special degree. This has convinced every customer 100% so far. Feel free to test us.

Herz Icon Grün

Employer Branding.

Welcome videos, logos, colors, personalized invitation emails, up to the footer – you design your convincing employer appearance with the interview suite. This will inspire your candidates from the very first step.

Smarte Glühbirne Icon Grün

Really smart.

With the interview suite you use the power and expertise of 10 years of video recruiting. Smart processes make your life easier and our artificial intelligence supports you where it really adds the most value.

The solution for your recruiting processes

The interview suite is a web-based software for video recruiting, which is successfully used in every industry and company size. Depending on the number of applicants, recruiting phase or seniority level, the software offers the right video recruiting solution for every recruiting need. All video interview modules of the interview suite are based on scientific findings of personnel psychology. They have been tailored to meet the requirements of modern recruitment.

Proven better recruiting with the interview suite

Since 2010

Pioneer & Market Leader
in Europe



+130 countries

use our video interviews

Wir erzählen gerne mehr zur interview suite in einem persönlichen Gespräch!

Functions of the interview suite

Our modules are individually tailored to your recruiting needs and can be booked separately or as a complete package.

viasto Videobewerbungen

Video applications

If you want to offer your candidates an innovative alternative to the 08/15 application, then video applications are just the thing. Candidates can apply directly via video – of course also mobile.

Live video interviews

Better than Skype or Google Hangouts because it’s designed specifically for your recruiting. Live video interviews in the look and feel of your company with automated scheduling and rating functions. On desktop or mobile!

viasto Live Videointerviews
viasto Zeitversetzte Videointerviews

Time-shifted video interviews

Choose the modern way from longlist to shortlist. Optimize the efficiency and validity of your pre-selection through structured and time-shifted video interviews. This is how you reliably identify your top candidates.

Unsere Kunden

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